A Day at Cloud Native Day (CND) Pune 2023🌤️

Naresh ChoudharyNaresh Choudhary |
Cover image for A Day at Cloud Native Day (CND) Pune 2023🌤️


I had the wonderful opportunity to attend CND 2023, a full-day event that brought together the cloud-native community to explore the latest developments in cloud-native technologies and practices. The event was a remarkable experience, jam-packed with expert talks and sessions on a wide range of technical topics, including Docker, Kubernetes, DevOps, Gen AI, and much more. It was a day that no tech enthusiast would want to miss, as it promised to offer new perspectives and valuable learning opportunities. 💫 receiveGift.jpg

Discovering Incredible Speakers

While it's impossible to express enough appreciation for all the highly knowledgeable and innovative speakers at CND 2023 in a single post, I want to highlight just a few who left a lasting impression:

💡 Siddhesh Sawarkar and Zuveriya Chabru delivered a captivating session on the powerful synergy of combining the serverless query capabilities of AWS Data Lake with the rich visualization capabilities of Azure Power BI. Their insights into data analysis and visualization were truly enlightening.

💡 Giriraj Daga shared a unique perspective on addressing the balance between strong authentication and convenience through the concept of a "holistic identity." This approach empowers individuals to have more control over how their data is stored and utilized. A thought-provoking session indeed.

💡 In his session, Hrittik Roy shed light on how soft multi-tenancy can reduce the costs of running Kubernetes clusters through namespaced vClusters, demonstrating the potential for more efficient resource utilization.

💡 Ashish Tiwari demonstrated how common problems in ChatGPT, such as dated information and hallucinations, can be addressed through the creative use of Elasticsearch. He also showed us how to build our own GAI/LLM application using retrieval-augmented generation. The banter between Ashish and Dheeraj Choudhary, who delivered a session on #Opensearch, added a delightful touch of humor to the event.

Acknowledging the Organizers

An event of this magnitude wouldn't have been possible without the dedicated efforts of the organizers. Cloud Native Day Pune owes its success to the hard work and commitment of individuals like Vipul Chaudhary and Sagar Utekar, along with the many volunteers who worked tirelessly behind the scenes. Organizing an event of this scale is no small feat, and their flawless execution deserves a round of applause! 🌟

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Conclusion: A Day of Learning and Networking

CND 2023 was not just a conference; it was a community of like-minded individuals coming together to share their knowledge, experiences, and insights in the ever-evolving landscape of cloud-native technologies. The event offered a valuable opportunity for learning, networking, and gaining fresh perspectives. I'm leaving with a head full of ideas and a heart full of gratitude.