CNCF x Docker x DOKc Pune Happy Hour Meetup

Naresh ChoudharyNaresh Choudhary |
Cover image for CNCF x Docker x DOKc Pune Happy Hour Meetup


On the evening of 8th October 2023, I had the pleasure of attending the CNCF x Docker x DOKc Pune Happy Hour Meetup held at Coditas' Viman Nagar office. It was an event that promised to be both insightful and inspiring, and it certainly lived up to that promise. 🏢 anime-coditas.jpg

Enlightening Talks and Inspirational Speakers

The event was packed with an impressive lineup of speakers who shared their knowledge and experiences, leaving the audience with valuable insights:

🌟 Rohan Sasne (GSoC23 @PECaN project) opened the evening with an enlightening talk on "How to get into GSoC and contribute to Open Source projects." His insights were invaluable for those looking to embark on their journey in the world of open source.

🌟 Akshay Baluapuri (DevOps Engineer @Coditas) shed light on the intriguing topic of "Cloud agnostic K8S with kubespray: Seamless deployments & monitoring." His expertise in this area provided a deeper understanding of cloud-agnostic Kubernetes deployments.

🌟 Santosh Mamil (Solution Architect @Wipro) delved into the world of "ECR, ECS, EKS," offering a comprehensive overview of these essential components of cloud computing. His session was a valuable exploration of the AWS ecosystem.

🌟 Sagar Utekar (SRE @VMWare) shared winning strategies for joining Open Source programs, offering a mentor's perspective that was both inspiring and instructive for those looking to engage in open source initiatives.

Fueling Passion and Building Connections

Events like the CNCF x Docker x DOKc Pune Happy Hour Meetup are more than just gatherings; they are a source of inspiration and a platform for building valuable connections within the tech community. It's where technology enthusiasts come together to learn, share, and collaborate, and this event was no exception.

Kudos to the Organizers

I want to extend my heartfelt appreciation to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), Docker, Inc, and DOKc for making this event possible. It was a testament to their commitment to fostering knowledge-sharing and community building within the tech industry.

A special mention goes to the dedicated organizers, including Sagar Utekar, Vipul Chaudhary, and Coditas, for curating such an enriching experience. Organizing an event like this is no small feat, and their efforts certainly paid off.