Exploring Test Driven Development (TDD) at Retreat-Devday

Naresh ChoudharyNaresh Choudhary |
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Attending Retreat-Devday @Sahaj Software was an enlightening experience that allowed me to immerse myself in the world of Test Driven Development (TDD). Over the course of the day, I participated in a series of iterations, each lasting 45 minutes, where I had the opportunity to work with different team members on Conwey's Game of Life problem. The focus? Writing clean, production-quality code following TDD conventions. This blog post is a reflection of my insightful journey.

Iteration 1: A Java-Driven Beginning with Chirag Tank

In the first iteration, I was paired with my friend Chirag Tank. We dived into the problem statement using Java, and it was an exciting start to the day. This iteration allowed us to set the stage for what was to come. 20231104031748_IMG_5012.JPG

Iteration 2: Testing Waters with Roshan Prasad

The second iteration brought an unexpected surprise as I was paired with Roshan Prasad, a school friend I hadn't seen in years. We set up our Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) to test our code and began the journey of writing test cases following TDD conventions. The camaraderie was rejuvenated. 20231103232229_IMG_4970.JPG

Iteration 3: Embracing TDD Practices with a New Face

In the third iteration, I teamed up with a fellow participant I didn't know, but we quickly bonded over our shared passion for problem-solving. Together, we tackled the challenge, delving deeper into essential TDD practices and updating our code. The day was filled with moments of learning and growth.

Iteration 4: Closing Strong with Kunjan Rabat

In the final iteration, I was paired with Kunjan Rabat. We made significant progress and successfully wrote conventional code and test cases following TDD practices. It was a fitting conclusion to a day filled with collaboration and discovery.

Key Takeaways: The Art of Production-Level Code

My experience at Retreat-Devday left me with a profound understanding of how production-level code is managed. The day's emphasis on TDD conventions underscored the importance of building high-quality software products. Avoiding local method-level variables, minimizing indentation, eliminating loops at the main level, and writing comprehensive test cases for edge scenarios were just some of the lessons that resonated with me.

Conclusion: A Day Well Spent

IMG_3276.jpg Retreat-Devday was not just a conference; it was a journey. A journey that allowed me to explore the intricacies of Test Driven Development, connect with old friends, make new ones, and appreciate the art of clean code. As I reflect on this experience, I look forward to applying the knowledge gained to my future projects, always striving for the highest quality in my work.